Neutron, the Cosmos cross-chain smart contract platform, said it has resumed blocking. Neutron suspended the network early this morning to complete the chain upgrade to fix the Cosm Wasm vulnerability.
On August 1st, Astroport released a security incident update on X: The attacker's ASTRO on Neutron has been seized in the Astroport Treasury. The attacker's Terra address has been blacklisted, making it impossible to conduct any transactions. The IBC Hook vulnerability has been fixed. In total, the attackers stole about 58 million ASTRO and bridged about 33 million of them to Neutron. The attackers exchanged about 13 million ASTRO for 124,000 axlUSDC and sent it to an Ethereum address. There are...
8月1日消息,Astroport于X发布安全事件更新: 攻击者在Neutron上的ASTRO已被扣押在Astroport Treasury中; 攻击者的Terra地址已被列入黑名单,无法进行任何交易; IBC Hook漏洞已被修复; 攻击者总共盗取约5800万枚ASTRO,并将其中约3300万枚ASTRO桥接至Neutron; 攻击者将约1300万枚ASTRO兑换为124,000枚axlUSDC,并将其发送到一个以太坊地址; Terra链上剩下大约20...
Neutron, the Cosmos cross-chain smart contract platform, said in a statement on the X platform that the Neutron V4 upgrade proposal has been successfully passed, and the upgrade will be carried out at block height 12255555, which is expected to be 22:30 Beijing time on July 10. During the completion of the upgrade by the validator, the network is expected to be down.
According to the official announcement, Binance will support Neutron (NTRN) and Optimism (OP) network upgrades and hard forks. The Neutron (NTRN) project will upgrade the network at block height 12,255,555 (estimated 22:30 on July 10, 2024). Binance is expected to suspend the token deposit and withdrawal business of the Neutron (NTRN) network at 21:30 on July 10, 2024. The Optimism (OP) project is expected to perform a network upgrade and hard fork on July 11, 2024 at 00:00 EST. Binance is expec...
据官方公告,币安将支持Neutron(NTRN)及Optimism(OP)网络升级及硬分叉。Neutron(NTRN)项目方将于区块高度 12,255,555(预计东八区时间2024年07月10日22:30)进行网络升级。币安预计将于东八区时间2024年07月10日21:30暂停Neutron(NTRN)网络的代币充值、提现业务; Optimism(OP)项目方预计将于东八区时间2024年07月11日00:00进行网络升级及硬分叉。币安预计将于东八区时间2024年07月10日2...
On June 6th, Neutron, the Cosmos ecosystem chain, tweeted that Neutron is moving to the native Noble USDC standard instead of USDC.axl, which has cross-chain bridge risk. Neutron Lockdrop participants can migrate their old USDC.axl/NTRN LP positions to the new USDC/NTRN pool.
According to an official announcement, Binance is expected to suspend the token recharge and withdrawal business of the Neutron (NTRN) network at 21:30 East 8th District time on May 23 to support its network upgrade. The project party will carry out the network upgrade at block height 10,525,000 (expected 22:30 East 8th District time on May 23).
On April 6th, it was reported on the official governance page that the Cosmos ecosystem Neutron community has voted to approve and implement the proposal for upgrading Neutron V3.
4月6日消息,官方治理页面显示,Cosmos 生态链 Neutron 社区已投票通过并执行有关 Neutron V3 升级的提案。 该提案提议的升级目标区块高度为 9,034,900,预计于 2024 年 4 月 10 日 23:30 进行。升级内容涉及 Skip Protocol 的 Block SDK、CW 绑定和 Golang1.21 等。
On April 4th, StaFi announced the launch of StaFi's ATOM liquidity token rATOM on the Neutron Test Network.